Datagauss LG Max Degausser

Datagauss LG Max Degausser

The Datagauss LG Max degausser positions itself at the forefront of data security technology. This state-of-the-art device utilizes pulse technology for degaussing, ensuring complete data erasure for hard drives and backup tapes. What truly sets the Datagauss LG Max apart is its unique eraser log software. This innovative software functions as a dual-purpose tool, offering both reporting and record-keeping capabilities. It meticulously logs all operating and degaussing information, providing a detailed record of the media erased.

The Datagauss LG Max boasts additional features that enhance its user experience. This degausser is the most powerful, compact, and continuous degausser available within the VS Security Products range. Its capabilities extend to securely erasing a wide range of media, including hard drives that utilize both perpendicular and longitudinal recording techniques, along with all common backup tapes, even those rated at 5000 Oersteds.

For enhanced accountability, the erasure log software automatically prints self-adhesive labels with degaussed details, including the media’s serial number. This provides hard copy evidence of complete erasure, ideal for reporting and auditing purposes.

If you would like to implement a data destruction solution for your organization, contact us today: [email protected]

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