DataGone LG Plus

DataGone LG Plus

The DataGone LG PLUS hard drive degausser offers a compelling solution for organizations dealing with large volumes of data storage media. This powerful unit boasts not only fast and reliable erasure but also verifiable security through its unique Data Destruction Auditor solution. This innovative feature allows operators to document and verify the erasure process, generating tangible audit-ready reports that confirm complete and secure data destruction.

The DataGone LG PLUS is a self-calibrating degausser, ensuring consistent performance and guaranteed erasure with each use. These features contribute to its status as one of the most popular hard drive degaussers on the market. The automatic operation further streamlines the process, while the powerful magnetic field enables rapid data erasure – a single hard drive can be wiped clean in just 9 seconds! This translates to processing up to 300 hard drives or backup tapes within the first hour, making it ideal for high-volume data destruction needs.

If you would like to implement a data destruction solution for your organization, contact us today: [email protected]

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