DD Imager Data Auditing

DD Imager Data Auditing

The DD Imager scanner streamlines the data destruction process, offering a user-friendly solution that seamlessly integrates with the Data Destruction Auditor software. This innovative system elevates data security and simplifies compliance procedures.

The DD Imager captures high-quality before and after images of various media devices during erasure. These visuals complement detailed erasure records, providing irrefutable proof of complete data destruction. This integration with the Data Destruction Auditor software fosters a seamless data management experience, eliminating unnecessary complexities in the auditing process.

Beyond capturing images, the DD Imager incorporates them directly into erasure certificates. This meticulous documentation ensures every stage of media destruction is thoroughly documented, exceeding industry standards and strengthening your organization’s commitment to data security.

If you would like to implement a data destruction solution for your organization, contact us today: [email protected]

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